
Improve your etiquette, social skills and communication for greater confidence


What We Do

Politesse offers a wide range of skill-based modules designed to meet clients’ requirements. This might be to meet a specific need or a combination of training requests.
Whatever the challenge, business, social or personal, Politesse can help to enhance personal or professional performance. Our Training is discrete, informal and, we have been told, enjoyable.


We offer training in the workplace or for individual and small group training at our conveniently located and attractive venue at Betley Court or in the workplace.
For specific training and sometimes at client request (very formal event dining, home entertaining) we may choose to train at an appropriate venue – hotel, restaurant or client home.


In specific skill modules we invite the client to pick and mix from our training menu to match their own needs.


In a less formal society good manners and confident, pleasant communication is still highly valued and quickly noticed by many. In a highly competitive age such things are not only attractive but empowering and are sought by many employers. The inner and outward confidence good manners and social skills provide can help to give individuals a decidedly competitive edge.

How often has a lovely social occasion been marred by your anxiety or nerves? Has a Business Opportunity, Network Event or Interview become a source of fear or dread? Does an invitation to a formal dinner, the thought of meeting new people and making conversation turn your knees to jelly? Are you a little unsure of dining etiquette at a formal event or dinner and does an elaborate table setting unnerve? Are you absolutely sure of your manners when greeting people or introducing others?

For most of us the answer is almost certainly yes and yet with a little Politesse training even the most challenging occasion becomes an enjoyable event and your self confidence and esteem will blossom.

Modern day living can sometimes encourage the promotion of self at the expense of thinking of others and so when protocol and precedence is called for, many can be at a loss as to how to behave.


Politesse Training is relevant to a variety of personal and professional needs and can give you some of those little tips to ensure that you will always perform to the best of your ability.



‘Having worked with Marina on a number projects over the years I have experienced first hand her polished delivery and professional outlook to all her clients needs. Marina combines perfectly a thorough knowledge of her subject matter with a warm and friendly approach which she delivers with grace and decorum.’
Helen Clark HC Communication Training

(Click here to see how we can help you or your business)