Our most important product is our absolute belief and conviction that good manners, courtesy and a consideration for others is one of the most important lessons to be learned in life and certainly one of the most desirable social skills. Successful businesses need their people to be polished and represent them well in this competitive environment and in our personal lives an observance of etiquette, possessing good manners and being able to communicate confidently and clearly can help make social interactions easier and far more enjoyable.

Today’s society is cosmopolitan and to a degree very relaxed and open. Whilst on the whole this is a good thing all too often consideration for others, courtesy and basic etiquette – those little guidelines and conventions which make all interactions easier and pleasant for everyone – are ignored or dismissed – sometimes not even understood.

Good manners, confidence, clear speech and communication skills are not dependent on income, age, gender or social standing. More often, of course, they have been taught, nurtured and are sometimes coloured by outlook and general disposition. Yet manners and acceptable social skills can also be learnt and it is NEVER too late to acquire these basic yet such desirable qualities. I’m not talking about being continually smiley or passive to whatever life throws at you at all, in fact having good manners and observing etiquette can give you a confidence which can make saying ‘no’ or exiting from a difficult situation with grace much easier!

Many of the problems we face in our daily lives are often exacerbated when communication is not clear or honest, courtesy and consideration are neglected and where there is little or no regard for the feelings and position of others. We have all no doubt, met individuals whose natural charm and courtesy enhances an occasion and can contrast this with how it feels to encounter rudeness, aggression, self-preoccupation and bad manners. In a social situation such disregard can be irritating or upsetting, in a professional and business setting it can cost money!

If you are sure of your own behaviour then every situation will become easier and less stressful and you will always be at your best. No-one can determine outcomes in any situation but knowing that your manners are impeccable, your speech clear and voice pleasant and that you possess the skills and know-how to manage a variety of social interactions you will feel happier, less anxious and free to focus on the matter in hand. This is the ethos of Politesse training.

Having confidence in this way will help you face many challenges, so do please make contact to see how Politesse can help you or your business.





Contact Marina

Politesse was formed by Marina Deestan-Jones who brings 30 years of experience to the company. Beginning her professional life in Drama and Theatre, Marina is well versed in techniques to overcome nerves and anxiety and get through a situation with poise. She has worked in the Performing Arts, Education, Business and the Arts has helped clients from a variety of backgrounds to achieve success and confidence in their professional and personal lives.

Running her own voice and communications company for 10 years, Marina was regularly called upon to adjudicate at festivals and competitions and was a very popular judge for Rotary youth Speaks and Business and professional Women UK Competitions.

A highly qualified and experienced, lecturer, assessor, examiner, trainer and etiquette consultant, Marina has devised a variety of bespoke training programmes for clients from business and vocations. She was an assessor and ambassador for a leading Communications Examination Board and for some years was a trustee of an Educational Voice Charity providing training for Teachers’ and Professional Voice Users. Marina is proficient in online training and has produced courses popular in the United States. She has organised Charity, Educational and Social Events and is a Committee Member for the Nelson Society where she helps organise events, social activities and regularly submits articles for publication. With a particular affection for the South West of England, Marina has been pleased to have helped small hoteliers to upskill staff in customer service and overall finesse and their own personal confidence.

Based on the Cheshire/Staffordshire border Politesse offers flexible packages dependent on client need, training requirement, schedule and budget.

“Marina incorporates expertise and a creative intuition in her approach to training others. One responds immediately to her warmth and empathy and feels empowered. These combined skills produce excellent results.”
Jenny Dunbar, Writer and performer

Contact Politesse